Quality Policy
In order to provide high-quality goods and services to our customers in a stable manner, we have established our Quality Policy as below.
We make full use of our factory’s unique technologies and quality management technologies to grasp the needs of customers and globally roll out products that meets the needs of the customers.
- We implement PDCA cycles to improve our unique technologies and quality management technologies, thereby achieving quality improvement and constant development of the manufacturing process.
- We contribute to customers and local communities by creating trustworthy products and factories.
Structure for Quality Assurance
To offer high-quality goods and services based on the Quality Policy, we hold a Quality and Environmental Management Committee meeting once every month and actively promote quality assurance activities.

Specific Initiatives to Improve Quality

We manage quality and strive for stable supply through a quality management system based on ISO9001.
In response to changes in customers’ needs, we actively work on necessary technological improvements, such as adaptation to miniaturization.
Awards are presented for outstanding technical themes at the annual Technical Presentations.
Disclosure of Product Information
When delivering reclaimed wafers, we provide product information by attaching inspection results sheets and various data on quality.
We also accommodate requests from customers accordingly, such as those for periodic quality reports.
Communication with Customers
We participate in periodic Quality Report Meetings and Supplier Assessment Meetings with customers to report on quality and discuss future quality requirements.
Additionally, we communicate with customers as needed when requested.