Our mission states, “We respect diversity, cultivating a free and open corporate culture, and strive towards creating a No. 1 work environment.” In addition,we value communication with our employees. For example, employee representatives are elected, with whom we exchange opinions when making changes to the Rules of Employment or other rules.
Human Rights
We respect human rights and aim to create a diverse, employee-friendly environment. We do not tolerate discrimination based on skin color, gender, religion, land of their origin, age, disability, etc., which is stated in the Code of Ethics and communicated to our employees.
Employment and Development of Diverse Human Resources
Employment of Human Resources
To reinvigorate local communities, we actively employ people from the area around the factory, as well as employ diverse human resources regardless of hometown or gender.
To ensure diversity of human resources, we have established and implemented various systems, such as for promoting non-permanent employees to permanent positions, employing persons with disabilities based on The Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities, reemploying retirees, and accepting foreign technical trainees.
Development of Human Resources
Based on the Rules on Education and Training, we develop annual plans and conduct training for each hierarchy level.
In addition, we strive to enhance employees’ knowledge and skills by organizing study groups led by employees with in-house expertise and skills, seminars offered by external educational institutions, etc.

Accepting Foreign Trainees
We actively accept foreign trainees as executive candidates for subsidiaries and affiliates in China and Taiwan. Trainees will acquire skills and knowledge through our training plan, which includes hands-on training at the production sites, lectures, etc.
After completing the training, they are also given opportunities to work as executive candidates for the Group’s subsidiaries and affiliate companies in China and Taiwan.

Creating an Employee-friendly Environment
Promotion of Work-life Balance
We strive to reduce long working hours and encourage employees to take paid leave so that employees can balance work and childcare. Please see the link below for the targets we set in our general employer action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
Promotion of Female Participation
We are pushing forward for a working environment that facilitates the career development of female employees and allow them to demonstrate their skills to the fullest. Please see the link below for the targets we set in our general employer action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace.
Prevention of Harassment and Whistleblowing System
To offer a platform for whistleblowing and consultation about the violation of laws and internal rules, harassment, human rights abuses, or other misconduct, we offer internal and external hotlines as points of contact for all employees and ensure that they are informed about this. The hotlines are accessible through a dedicated email address or telephone number, and a corporate lawyer serves as the point of contact for the external hotline. To protect whistleblowers, their identity and the content of whistleblowing are kept confidential, and disadvantageous treatment of and retaliation against whistleblowers are prohibited.

Technological Exchange with Overseas Group Companies
Technological training for overseas group companies is provided at the Sanbongi Factory, our mother factory for wafer reclamation. Trainees are expected to bring the wafer reclaim technologies back to the overseas factories and spread the use of the technologies, thereby enhancing the Group’s technological capabilities.
Occupational Health and Safety Activities
To ensure a safe, secure, and healthy workplace environment for all employees, the Sanbongi Factory has formulated the Basic Policy for Health and Safety. Led by the Health and Safety Committee, we promote health and safety activities on a daily basis to achieve zero occupational accidents.
Basic Policy for Health and Safety
Securing health and safety is the foundation of corporate activities and is our top priority.
Numerical Targets to Achieve Zero Occupational Accidents:
Zero lost time accidents and serious accidents
Frequency Rate and Severity Rate

*Frequency rate represents the frequency of work-related injuries or deaths per million total actual working hours.
Frequency rate = Number of fatalities and injuries due to work-related accidents / Total number of actual working hours x million
*Severity rate represents the severity of work-related injuries or deaths expressed as the total lost work days per 1,000 total working hours.
Severity rate = Total lost work days / Total working hours x 1,000
Organizational Chart of the Health and Safety Committee

Specific Initiatives to Achieve Zero Occupational Accidents
To achieve zero occupational accidents, it is important for each employee to take mindful actions. At the same time, it is also important that the working environment in the factory does not pose hazardous risks. We therefore engage in risk reduction activities on a daily basis by checking not only from a frontline perspective but also from a third-party perspective.

Workplace Risk Assessment
We engage in workplace risk assessment to reduce the risk of occupational accidents.
In risk assessment, we identify the risks at each workplace, analyze the cause, and develop and implement countermeasures, thereby working on the improvement of workplace environment.

Activities to Raise Employees’ Awareness and Ongoing 5S Activities
Activities to Raise Employees’ Awareness and Improvement Proposal System
To raise employees’ awareness and make improvements at the frontline, we have established an improvement proposal system.
The system facilitates improvements from a frontline perspective by allowing employees to analyze issues identified in their everyday work and classify them into the following three categories: (i) quality improvement and streamlining; (ii) environment; and (iii) health and safety.
In principle, employees may submit improvement proposals at any time. The head of the department and the head of the factory will decide whether or not to adopt the proposal, mainly based on the improvement effect and cost comparison.
A report containing the number of proposals submitted is prepared every six months and displayed at the factory. It is also reflected in each employee’s performance evaluation.
Initiatives towards 5S Activities*

We consider our 5S activities to be the basis for workplace health and safety as well as for efficient operations, and actively roll them out as initiatives that involve the entire factory.
Issues are shared at each workplace every month to facilitate improvement. In addition, 5S/Kaizen presentations take place once a year involving the entire factory. Through our 5S activities, we drive forward initiatives to raise the awareness of all officers and employees on health and safety.
*5S stands for Sort (Seiri), Set in Order (Seiton), Shine (Seisou), Standardize (Seiketsu), and Sustain (Shitsuke). It is a slogan used in the manufacturing, service, and other industries to maintain and improve the working environment.